The Horodotsk community met the fallen defender Yuriy Chornoy

In grief and prayer, the countrymen met the fallen defender, soldier Yuriy Chornoy from Bratkovych

One more grave with national flags will join the ranks of honorable burials in Bratkovychy… One more family will have to live with the great pain of loss, one more Hero will be longed for by loved ones and acquaintances, the community’s residents will not abate the sorrow for the soldier…

But the candle of memory for the Heroes will never go out, nor will the anger at the enemy, the occupier-destroyer, fade away.

An earthly bow for the rank of warrior Yury and all the defenders who died for Ukraine. Eternal memory and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Tomorrow, December 14, has been declared a Day of Mourning in Horodochchyna – the Hero’s burial ceremony will take place in Bratkovychy.

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