Eleventh-graders from Lviv take part in military training in the Carpathians

Lviv high school students from national and patriotic education centres are taking part in a three-day military training course in the Carpathians. The students practice their newly acquired knowledge under the supervision of centre managers, instructors and volunteers.

Currently, the Defence of Ukraine training is being conducted for 11th grade students. By the end of October, 11 such visits are planned to take place, so that more than a thousand boys and girls can take part in the exercises. The event is free of charge for Lviv schoolchildren.

The military training in the Carpathians is a three-day event with an interesting programme that consists of 95% practical exercises. Here, students practice shooting, UAV control, orienteering, and team games (including laser tag and airsoft).

“At the training camps, children improve their leadership skills, learn how to organise work and complete tasks, make decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Developing these qualities is one of the key objectives of our training in the Carpathians. It is also an outdoor activity for our young people, so we see that students are happy to join in. It inspires both them and us,” says Andriy Zakaliuk, Head of the Education Department of Lviv City Council.

This academic year, about 25 such trips are planned, as 10th grade students will additionally go to the Carpathians in the spring.

Since September, 14 centres for national and patriotic education have been operating in Lviv, so all students in grades 10-11 of city schools study the subject “Defence of Ukraine” in high-quality conditions and with professional instructors.

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