Today, Lviv will say goodbye to three Heroes who defended Ukraine

On November 1, Lviv will say goodbye to three more Heroes. Roman Sterkhalyuk, Raj Kalimbaev and Volodymyr Vlasov died in the battle with the Russian invaders.

The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremonies and refrain from entertainment events and celebrations during this time.

At 11:00 a.m., the funeral service of Roman Sterkhalyuk will begin in the Church of the Holy Martyrs Vera, Nadia, Lyubov and their mother Sophia (Vira, Nadia, Lyubov St., 10). A serviceman will be buried at the Goloskiv cemetery.

At 15:00, the funeral service of Raj Kalimbaev and Volodymyr Vlasov will begin in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul (Tetralna St., 11). At 3:30 p.m., a city farewell ceremony will be held on Rynok Square. The soldiers will be buried at the Lychakiv cemetery.

Biographical references of Heroes


Volodymyr Vlasov (June 22, 1977-October 25, 2022). A native of the village of Komariv, Chernivtsi region.


He studied at the secondary comprehensive school of grades I-III in the village of Komariv, Kelmenetska district, Chernivtsi region. After that, he received a professional and technical education in the separate structural division “Khotynsk Vocational College of the higher education institution “Podilskyi State University”.

In 2008, he moved to Lviv. He was engaged in repair work, he was a professional in his field.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he volunteered to defend the Motherland from the invaders. He defended the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine in the ranks of the 103rd separate territorial defense brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Volodymyr Vlasov is survived by his wife, two sons, mother and older brother.


Roman Sterkhalyuk (11.04.1981-24.10.2022). A native of Lviv.


Studied at secondary comprehensive school No. 97 of Lviv. He graduated from the state vocational and technical educational institution “Lviv Higher Vocational School of Computer Technologies and Construction” (then – Higher Vocational School N48 of the city of Lviv).

In 2014, Roman Sterkhalyuk defended Ukraine against the Russian invaders. Performed combat tasks in the area of ​​the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the ranks of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great of the operational command “West” of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Later, he returned to civilian life, worked as an assembler at a furniture warehouse.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he served in the military as part of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Roman Sterkhalyuk is survived by his parents and sister.


Raj Kalimbaev (“Mongol”) (July 27, 1974-October 18, 2022). A native of the Almaty district of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


He studied at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism and Vocational Technical School No. 8 of Kyiv, majoring in turning. Additionally, he completed accounting courses.

After completing his studies, he completed military service in the Republic of Tajikistan. Subsequently, he joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, held the position of commander of the 3rd intelligence department of the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In 2018, he restrained the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​the Anti-Terrorist Operation.

In 2021, Raj Kalimbaev received Ukrainian citizenship.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, he defended the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state as part of the 115th separate mechanized brigade of the Ground Forces Reserve Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

For personal bravery in June 2022, he was awarded the badge “For Exemplary Service”.

Raj Kalimbaev is survived by a daughter.

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