In Chervonohrad, the local school will be named after the Luhovsky family – mother, son and son-in-law who died in the struggle for the freedom of Ukraine

On June 23, deputies of the Chervonohrad City Council unanimously supported the decision to give the Chervonohrad Secondary School of I-III grades № 9 the name of the Luhovsky family.

77-year-old Paraskevia Vysotska from Chervonohrad lost her 23-year-old grandson Yuriy Luhovsky in the war in 2018, and her 51-year-old daughter Natalia Luhovska on May 3 this year. A few days earlier, on April 21, Oleksiy Lastovych, her granddaughter’s husband, died defending Ukraine. All of them served in the Azov Regiment.

Natalia Luhovska has been in Mariupol since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, working as a psychologist in the Azov Regiment. In 2018, her 23-year-old son Yuriy Luhovsky died in the battles for Ukraine, and on April 21 this year, Azovstal’s son-in-law Oleksiy Lastovych died.

Natalia Luhovska is a psychologist at the Azov Regiment and the mother of Yuriy Luhovsky’s Barrett. After the death of her son, Natalia continued his business and stayed with the soldiers at Azovstal until the last minute, the Chervonohrad City Council said. – Natalia is a well-known volunteer who used to work as a psychologist in Sosnivka at the center for anti-terrorist operation soldiers. For years, she supported our defenders, first in the rear and then on the front lines. This is a very big loss for our city, for the whole of Ukraine. ”

By the way, Natalia Luhovska published a post on the social network only on Monday, where she expressed regret over the death of her daughter’s husband, who served in Azov – Oleksiy Lastovych.


Family of Heroes

Tetyana Lastovych, Natalia Luhovska’s daughter, still can’t believe that her relatives are gone. She remembers meeting her husband: “I lived in Chervonohrad. I worked as a dog trainer in the State Border Guard Service. And Oleksiy was a border guard in the East. We met thanks to mutual friends. We started talking. It felt like I had known Oleksiy for a long time – all my life. He felt the same”.

Soon Tatiana and her daughter from their first marriage moved to Alexei in the village of Novotroitskoe in Donetsk region. “My husband served in the State Border Guard Service for another two years, and then we decided to move to the village of Yalta, Donetsk region, near Mariupol. Then Oleksiy was transferred to the Azov Regiment, where my brother Yura served,” the hero’s wife said.

Yuriy was a sergeant of the National Guard of Ukraine, a sniper-scout of the Azov Regiment. “He died in March 2018 … He was a very productive sniper …” On her social media page, the fighter’s mother Natalia Lugovska wrote: “You left so suddenly … It is inconceivable that this is how your life was interrupted. I was left with only tears and pain. Time may heal, but they don’t live long enough to forget … ”

Tatiana and her husband and their two children lived in the village of Yalta, near Mariupol. The woman was pregnant for the third time – the family was expecting a son. And on February 24, when Russian troops invaded Ukraine, their whole life turned upside down, says Tatiana. That day she saw her husband for the last time:

He threw the car keys, said “everything, I ran”, jumped in the car and left. At first he did not show up for a long time, then – via the Internet, via messages. The last time he contacted was on April 19. He said that they they are going on a mission and will be in touch in 6 days so that I don’t worry. And 25 of us were told that 21 of them died. My brothers told me that a sniper had worked on him. ”

On May 14 in Zaporizhia the wife of the lost soldier of the Azov regiment Tetyana Lastovych was met from the maternity hospital

“This is the first time I have such a statement…. I didn’t expect that there would be so many people, I thought that there would be only children, ”Tetyana said.

She named her son Elijah, as the dead man dreamed.

Brothers of the dead relatives came to meet her from the maternity hospital.

“The Azov family is very big – it’s not just fighters, it’s their children, families in general. We try to take care of everyone. The state helps, but we are used to trusting our family in the first place, ”said Kirill, a fighter for Azov.

The guy knew Tatiana’s brother well, they served together in one battalion.

A woman with three children (4-year-old Anya, 2-year-old Vika and newborn Ilya) is still planning to stay in Zaporizhia, and when the youngest child grows up, they will probably go to the west of the country where Tatiana’s grandmother lives.

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