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How to get a subsidy for the payment of housing and communal services, the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid household stove fuel?

How to get a subsidy for the payment of housing and communal services, the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid household stove fuel?

The conditions for assigning and providing housing subsidies are regulated by the Regulation on the procedure for assigning housing subsidies, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.10.1995 No. 848 “On simplifying the procedure for providing subsidies to the population to reimburse the costs of paying for housing and communal services, the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid furnace household fuel” (with changes).

The housing subsidy is a non-returnable addressed state social assistance to residents of households who live in residential premises (houses) and cannot pay for housing and communal services, pay the costs of managing an apartment building on their own. Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons who are legally present on the territory of Ukraine and live in residential premises (houses) have the right to receive it.

Assigned to one of the household members who:

• registered in a residential premises (house);

• not registered in a residential premises (house), but actually living in it on the basis of a housing rental (lease) contract, or to individual developers whose houses are not put into operation, in the event that they are charged a fee for housing and communal services;

• are not registered in a residential premises (house), but actually live in it without a contract of employment (lease) of housing, in the event that they are internally displaced persons.

In the case of granting a subsidy based on the actual place of residence, the composition of the household is declared with the addition of relevant documents to the application confirming residence at the actual address of the household. A housing subsidy cannot be assigned at the same time for a person’s registered place of residence and for his actual place of residence.

Documents to be submitted to receive a housing subsidy:

• application for the appointment and provision of a housing subsidy in cash according to the form;

• declaration of income and expenses of persons who applied for housing subsidy, according to the form;

• income certificates – in the case of income declaration, information about which is not available in the State Tax Service, the Pension Fund of Ukraine, social insurance funds, etc., and in accordance with the law cannot be obtained at the request of the structural unit for social protection of the population. If it is impossible to confirm such incomes, a written explanation indicating their amount is attached to the declaration;

• a copy of the agreement on the restructuring of the debt for the payment of housing and communal services (if available);

• housing rental agreement (if available);

• other documents that are necessary for making a decision (confirming the fact that the person does not live at the address, a copy of the order from the place of work, etc.).

The application and declaration with the necessary documents are accepted by the official of the executive body or the center for the provision of administrative services of the territorial community exclusively with the formation of an electronic case, the department of social protection of the population of the Yavorivska district state administrations only if they are sent by mail or in electronic form (via the official website of the Ministry of Social Policy, integrated with it information systems of executive power bodies and local self-government bodies or

can be provided in electronic form through the single portal of state services “Diya”: https://diia.gov.ua/…/zvernennya-na-priznachennya….

The term of the housing subsidy

The housing subsidy for the payment of housing and communal services, the costs of managing an apartment building is assigned from the month of application for its purpose until the end of the heating season and is calculated:

• for the non-heating season – from May 1 to September 30;

• for the heating season – from October 1 to April 30.

The housing subsidy for the payment of communal services for the supply of thermal energy, supply and distribution of natural gas, supply and distribution of electric energy for centralized, autonomous and individual heating in the heating season is calculated from October 16 to April 15 inclusive.

A housing subsidy for the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid household fuel for stoves is assigned once per calendar year at the personal request of citizens. At the same time, the housing subsidy for the payment of housing and communal services is calculated from the month of application for its purpose until the end of the current calendar year.

For tenants of a residential premises (house), a housing subsidy is assigned in the presence of a housing rental (lease) contract from the month of application until the end of the heating season, but no later than the end of the month in which the housing rental (lease) contract expires. For the next period, the housing subsidy is assigned at the personal request of the tenant.

For internally displaced persons, a housing subsidy for the payment of housing and communal services, costs of managing an apartment building is assigned

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