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In a military unit in Lviv Oblast, a bakery has started working after repairs

The cost of a complete overhaul of production is UAH 3.3 million.

On September 14, at the base of one of the military units of the region, after major repairs, they started the work of the bakery.

The old bakery worked until 2016, when it was closed, and this year they decided to resume production. For this, financial efforts and opportunities from regional and local budgets were accumulated.

Lviv OVA allocated one million hryvnias for the repair of the bakery. The total cost of a full overhaul of production is UAH 3.3 million.

“Today we see that doing real things and winning can only be done through joint efforts. We are glad to join such a necessary initiative. A low bow to the military, which defends our state and repels the aggressor, thanks to the community leaders and everyone who joins such important projects so that our soldiers feel that they are being cared for here in Lviv region”, said the head of Lviv OVA Maksym Kozytskyi .

The head of the region inspected the production, talked with the bakery workers and the military.

The bread products that will be produced here will provide the domestic food needs of the military.

“The bakery is capable of producing up to 2 tons of bread per day. All the funds that were involved allowed us to restore our bakery in a few months, and today we are fully supplied with bread,” said the head of the military unit in which the bakery was opened.

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