Yesterday, 13 September, a charity concert was held in Chervonohrad at the local Shakhtar Stadium
As the Holos Sokalshchyny has learned from social media, the condition for entering the concert was a donation to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As those wishing to attend the concert began to enter the stadium, the donation turned into a “fixed amount” for admission.
The video of the event appeared on the Facebook page “Overheard in Chervonohrad v.2” and later spread in Lviv Telegram channels. The post under the video states that a large number of people wanted to climb over the fence of the stadium where Nadia Dorofeeva’s concert was taking place. It is noted that security guards were working at the site, using pepper spray, and shots were also heard.
In the published video, shots and screams of people can be heard, and a massive fight is going on:
“Younger people tried to climb over the gates around the stadium – the guards who were nearby were very harsh with the visitors. As noted in social media, those who climbed over the gate were threatened and pepper sprayed.
Nadia Dorofeeva has already responded to the incident on her social media pages. She noted that her concerts are attended by security guards hired by the organisers:
“Now I’m being noted on the news that yesterday, after a concert in Chervonohrad, as the headlines say, Nadia Dorofeeva’s security beat people. First of all, I have no security. At concerts, all organisers order security guards to ensure that the event is safe. The cruelty that happened, I see a video in telegram channels where some person, maybe a security guard, I don’t know, is shooting up, some kind of disturbance. It was after the concert, we heard the shot while we were in the dressing room. We thought we were imagining things, but we weren’t”, Dorofeeva said.
The singer noted that she hopes that the organisers will look into the incident.
In a search on social media, as well as among the pages of portals, it was not possible to find a link to the organiser of the concert.
It should be noted that the concert took place at the Shakhtar Stadium. Since the stadium is part of a municipal sports complex, Echo Chervonohrad asked Deputy Mayor Taras Tyrko for a comment. But the official said that the city council and he did not comment on the situation. Bohdan Lishchynskyi, the director of the SC Shakhtar, could not comment on the incident either.
ZAXID.NET asked the mayor of Chervonohrad, Andriy Zalivsky, for a comment, but he refused to comment on the incident.
“I was not there, I was not involved in the event, so I cannot comment. It was Dorofeeva’s organisers who organised it,” said Andriy Zalivsky.
ZAXID.NET tried to find out who organised Nadia Dorofeeva’s concert in Chervonohrad. The number on the concert poster refused to identify itself to the ZAXID.NET journalist, promising to provide a comprehensive comment in two hours.
The press service of the Lviv regional police told ZAXID.NET that they had opened proceedings under Part 4 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism). All the circumstances of the incident are being established.
It should be noted that the concert was a charity event in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
There was no fixed price for the tickets, and admission to the concert was by donation. It is not yet known how much money the organisers of Nadia Dorofeeva’s concert in Chervonohrad transferred to the Ukrainian Defence Forces and to which unit. At the time of publication of the news, the organisers had not published any reports on social media.
There was also a scandal in Chervonohrad district recently during two charity concerts, while Chervonohrad and Sokal declared a Day of Mourning for defenders
Today, two high-profile charity concerts took place in Sokal and Sosnivka.
17-18 August was declared the Day of Mourning for the deceased Artem, as reported by the Sokal City Council, while on 17 August a charity concert “Rhythms of the Bug” was organised on the riverfront, on the territory of the kayak centre in Sokal.