On the initiative of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of Lviv Regional State Administration, today, March 9, a working meeting was held in Yavorivska RVA with farmers and representatives of local executive authorities and local self-government bodies of Yavorivska district on the topic: “Where to get money for micro and small agricultural producers in wartime?”
At the beginning of the working meeting, the first deputy introduced the director of the department of agro-industrial development of the regional state administration Tetyana Hetman and the guests to the audience and wished them a calm and productive day.
During the presentation, the attendees learned about the additional financial resource within the support programs for agricultural commodity producers from the budgets of all levels and international technical assistance projects from the director of the department of agro-industrial development of the regional state administration, Tetiana Hetman.
“Today, farmers have the opportunity to attract funds both in the form of grants and in the form of funds from the state and regional budgets. Despite the war, Lviv Oblast is the only region that last year allocated about UAH 24.0 million to support farmers. and this year, this financial resource has been increased by almost 30% and amounts to 34.2 million hryvnias,” said Tetiana Hetman
The deputy director of the department introduced the new Procedure for the reservation of conscripts according to the list of conscripts during martial law, as well as the Procedure and Criteria for determining enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period – Oksana Bakun, Head of the Department of Food and Rural Development. She also noted that the order of the head of the regional military administration No. 101/0/5-23BA dated 28.02.2023 and the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy No. 223 dated 21.02.2023 (with changes) approved additional criteria for determining enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period.
In addition, during the meeting, the agrarians of the district learned about the current lending programs from JSC “Oschadbank” and about the possibilities of financial stimulation of business entities for employment of certain categories of the population.
The meeting took place in the form of a dialogue where everyone exchanged opinions and experience in the agricultural field.