In Lviv Oblast, 86% of cattle and 90% of cows are kept in private peasant farms. At the same time, only half of them have access to state support programs that provide for payments for livestock.
This limitation is due to the fact that the percentage of the identified population of animals in the population compared to the number available in the region is 54%.
Animal husbandry support programs from budgets of all levels require the owner to have livestock identified and registered in accordance with the law. Since last year, state support programs have been implemented through the State Agrarian Register (DAR), which provides access to all Registers, including the Register of Animals.
“In Lviv Oblast, owners who have identified and registered animals received more than UAH 26.2 million in subsidies for keeping 4,952 cows through DAR last year. At the same time, subsidies were provided not only to agricultural enterprises, but also to individuals. Subsidies will be provided in 2023 and only for animals that are entered in the relevant registers,” commented Tetyana Hetman, director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of OVA.
For reference:
Animal identification is a system of constant control over the health of animals, the safety of production of livestock products, which gives the right to its owner to sell the milk and meat of the animal, to obtain a permit for its movement and slaughter, sale, etc. According to the Law of Ukraine “On Identification and Registration of Animals”, identification and registration of farm animals is mandatory for legal entities and individuals engaged in breeding and keeping animals.
To carry out identification and registration of animals in the household of an individual, the owner of the animal must apply to the state institution of veterinary medicine at the place of residence.
Owners carry out identification and registration of animals in terms depending on the type of animal: for cattle, sheep and goats – within 7 days from birth, for pigs – within 60 days from birth.
Timely identification and registration of animals gives the owner the opportunity to:
certify the ownership of the animal;
freely obtain documents for moving and slaughtering animals;
freely sell products obtained from animals;
to insure the animal;
to receive government subsidies for animals.