The international wrestling tournament “Dan Kolov – Nikola Petrov,” which recently took place in Bulgaria, served as a platform for representatives from nine countries. As part of the Ukrainian team, Yurii Idzinskiy from Lviv Oblast demonstrated significant results and won the bronze medal in the 125 kg weight category.
In the overall ranking, the Ukrainian team earned five medals – two silver and three bronze, which allowed them to achieve a respectable fourth place among the best. Yurii Idzinskiy, whose training takes place at the “School of Higher Sports Mastery” under the guidance of Viktor Glibenko and who recently became the champion of Ukraine in wrestling for 2024, showcased a high level of skill.
According to Roman Khimiak, head of the youth and sports management of the Lviv Regional State Administration, Idzinskiy’s participation in international tournaments significantly enhances the level of training and promotes Ukrainian sports on the world stage.