Today, mobilization issues affect every Ukrainian family in one way or another. Leopolis spoke with Oleksandr Tishchenko, head of the Lviv Regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support, about the activities of territorial recruiting centers, deferrals from mobilization, military salaries, “roundups” and the delivery of summonses.
Mr. Colonel, is it difficult to work now, during the war, as the head of the Lviv OTCC and SP?
Our guys need rest, treatment and rotation. So today we work practically 24/7, because the future of our children and the state is at stake. The most difficult thing is that you send people not just to the service, but to the war. Unfortunately, people die there. I perceive each loss as personal and it is impossible to abstract from it. This pain is the most difficult test in our work. It is the personal duty of the TCC and the head of the garrison to honor the fallen Heroes and see them on their last journey. From the Lviv region, all those who died in this war, meeting them, escorting them, notifying their relatives – all this is handled by the employees of our Tercenters.
Is it possible to do without “roundups” on the streets? There are no glaring situations in Lviv region, but in other regions we see a clear deviation in this issue.
Somewhere around 20% (half of whom are contract workers) of the planned task that we have to perform voluntarily come to the military commissariats. If there are no such searches, corrections to clarify the data, then the mobilization may be in danger. Joining the TCC is not an automatic deployment to the army. It is necessary to understand that this is a whole series of procedures, as well as a medical examination. And those who have legal reasons not to be mobilized due to health or other reasons will definitely not join the army.
It happens that a person is handed a summons on the street, she comes to the TCC, and it turns out she has three children or a disability. You ask why they didn’t come and update the data, and the answer is: “I’m afraid.” Disability, like family circumstances, is definitely a full right to deferment.
As for the enterprises… There are thoughts that they will stop if they mobilize full-time workers. It is necessary to understand that if our military is not enough for defense, then tomorrow the Buryats and Kadyrivets will come to these enterprises as owners. Will the fate of their enterprises be important to these workers? Our priority is to ensure the defense capability of the state and people of Ukraine.
What subpoenas exist? They talk about four types of subpoenas…
The man can be subpoenaed to clarify the data. By the way, according to the current legislation, every conscript must inform the TCC of updated information about the composition of the family, state of health, change of place of work, etc. And if men did this in advance and regularly, there would definitely be more order in their accounting affairs and no one would drag people for nothing.
There is also a summons to pass a military medical commission, after which a person receives a VLK opinion on suitability, unfitness or limited suitability for military service.
Mobilization order, or the so-called a military summons is issued to a conscript after passing a medical examination, if he is deemed fit for military service.
Does the delivery of a “combat summons” mean that a person is immediately sent to the combat zone?
Ofcourse not. Only if the medical commission found him fit for service. If the person served, then they are directed to the point of permanent deployment of the military unit. Combat coordination takes place there for 3-4 weeks. Instead, we direct all those who did not serve to training centers.
And what are the most in-demand specialties for which you recruit people now?
There are needs in all military specialties – infantry, tankers, gunners, pilots, as well as paratroopers. Each educational center has its own specifics. Depending on the specialty, we direct people to the appropriate training centers.
Do citizens have the right to demand documents from persons serving summonses?
Of course they have. Today, many people wear military uniforms. And only the relevant authorized persons have the right to serve summonses.
What documents should men of draft age carry with them at all times?
During martial law, every citizen, regardless of age and gender, must carry a document that could identify his person. Men aged 18 to 60 must also carry a military registration document.
By the way, when should internally displaced persons be registered?
The inclusion of citizens who arrived from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine for personal-primary and personal military registration is carried out after the registration of such persons for the registration of internally displaced persons and for military registration in district (city) territorial centers of recruitment and social support. According to the order of the head of the military administration, there are three days for this. By the way, in wartime, conscripts and conscripts are prohibited from leaving their place of residence without the permission of the district (city) military commissariat.