Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy joined the third online marathon “Unity of urban self-government of the world for the well-being of people and peace.” The event was attended by representatives of local governments of Ukraine and sister cities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden, so the mayor of Lviv appealed to foreign colleagues to isolate themselves from Russia.
“Today, the whole world sees the heroism of Ukrainians and sees a country that now covers the whole democratic world. But today we also saw another world – the birth of a Nazi country that kills civilians, destroys schools, kindergartens, hospitals. I’m talking about Russia. This country enjoys murder and destruction. Lviv has also come under very heavy shelling – very serious critical infrastructure has been destroyed and people have been killed.
I have a request to everyone who listens to me today, to colleagues from local self-government. Any cooperation with Russia, with its sports and cultural organizations is cooperation with the Nazis. There are no separate good Russians and no separate bad ones. Everyone who has a Russian passport represents a country that kills civilians. Therefore, you must isolate your cities and countries from the influence of Russia and its organizations. Very often they pursue their Nazi policies quite gently. We already see this, and you may find it difficult to understand. We invite all of you to Lviv to see everything with your own eyes. Today, Lviv is one of the largest centers for people fleeing bombings and shelling. You can see and feel the atmosphere of our country here, “Andriy Sadovy said.