
Under Belz is the only cross preserved on the grave of the unknown shooters of the UGA

Along with greens” another holiday came to the ancient city on Sunday – a holiday commemorating the best of our people – marksmen of the Ukrainian Galician Army. On this day, residents of the city and surrounding villages gathered at the local cemetery near the carefully arranged graves (and there are seven of them). guests from Chervonograd, Lviv.

For a long time, the graves were forgotten and neglected. Someone’s arbitrary and cruel hand overthrew and destroyed
crosses defiled them. Such destruction of graves could lead to the loss of historical memory. Only one of them has a cross preserved. The inscription on it certifies that 8 unknown shooters of the UGA are buried here.

Thanks to the efforts of the TUM center named after T. G. Shevchenko’s monuments on the graves have been restored. Horunzhy O. Matskevich, Sergeant O. Stadnytskyi and 77 still unknown shooters are buried here. The chairman of the city Council of People’s Deputies, V. M. Chukhno, and the head of the city branch of the Ukrainian Language Society named after V. M. Chuhno spoke at the rally about the heroic and glorious side of their struggle. T. G. Shevchenko, D. M. Klimchuk. Under the leadership of E. H. Lnskanych, students of junior high school performed an interesting literary composition dedicated to the brave knights who died in 1918-1919 fighting for the freedom of Ukraine.

Priests of both denominations sent prayers for the repose of the fallen, consecrated the graves.

Riflemen’s songs were performed by the participants of artistic amateur activities and the church choir. Although the celebration was hindered by a downpour, the people left satisfied, because they carried in their hearts great respect and love for those who gave their lives in the struggle for freedom and a better destiny for their native land.

O. KLYMCHUK. a student of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, a resident of the city of Belza.

ON THE PICTURE: the only cross preserved on the grave of eight unknown marksmen of the Ukrainian Galician Army who died in battles with the Polish army for Belz. He survived in the cemetery of this ancient city only due to the fact that it was obscured by overgrown bushes and was located further from other monuments to the soldiers of the UGA. So the latest vandals, who in the 50s did everything possible to deprive us of Historical Memory, did not notice it…
from zelenok” on Sunday in the ancient place one holiday – in memory of our best

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