A fine from 510 to 1,700 hryvnias is provided for the illegal acquisition, sale and distribution of objects of the plant world, from 1,700 to 3,655 hryvnias for red book species.
Early flowering plants, in particular those listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: snow-white snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis), white spring flower (Leucojum vernum), Heifel’s saffron (Crocus heuffelianus), chess grouse (Fritillaria meleagris), bear’s onion (cheremsha) (Allium ursinum) etc., are often used as a means of income, although it is forbidden to pluck and sell them.
It is emphasized in the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Oblast.
According to the information of the State Ecological Inspection in the Lviv region, in order to fulfill the mandate of the State Ecological Inspection of Ukraine dated January 30, 2023 No. 78 on strengthening measures to preserve early-flowering plants, the operation “Primrose-2023” is underway in the region.
Thus, for the destruction or illegal removal of early flowering plants from the natural environment, administrative liability is provided and damages are charged, which sometimes entails criminal liability.
What threatens offenders:
– Article 88-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses for the illegal acquisition, sale and distribution of objects of plant life provides for the imposition of a fine from 510 to 1,700 hryvnias;
– the same actions taken in relation to objects of the plant world that were within the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, or that are protected in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine entail the imposition of a fine in the amount of 1,700 up to 3,655 hryvnias with confiscation of objects of plant life (part 2 of article 88-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).
According to the information of the State Environmental Inspection in Lviv region, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 07.11.2012 No. 1030 “On the amount of compensation for illegal extraction, destruction or damage to species of animal and plant life listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, as well as for the destruction or deterioration of their environment stay (growth)” the amount of compensation for damage caused by illegal harvesting or destruction or damage to plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine is from UAH 49 to UAH 62 per plant.
T.v.o. the director of the department of ecology and natural resources of Lviv OVA Oksana Viytyk emphasized that growing plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine at home also does not give the right to sell them, because trade, like other forms of commercial use of red book species, is expressly prohibited by Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine “About the Red Book of Ukraine
In case of discovery of damage or sale of primroses, it is necessary to contact the State Ecological Inspection in the Lviv region at the phone number: 2387370 or the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Lviv region at the short number 102.