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Solomiya Chubai invites you to the charity concert “Time to believe in miracles” in Lviv

Ukrainian singer Solomiya Chubai announced her traditional charity concert “Time to Believe in Miracles”, which is part of the “Lullabies for Oleksa” project. The event will take place on December 3 at 18:00 at !FESTrepublic (24-26 Staroznesenska St.).

The concert will take place on the eve of St. Nicholas, and its goal is to give joy and faith in the victory of light over darkness, regardless of social status or special needs. Solomiya Chubai says that this concert is “a holiday that will save us from the war and will distract us for a certain time and give us the opportunity to forget all the pain, fear and anxiety.”

During the concert, funds will be collected to support the Social Fund of the “Lullabies for Oleksa” project, which helps families of children with autism and developmental disabilities. In addition, guests will have the opportunity to support the campaign by purchasing craft jewelry designed specifically for the project by the “Made by Dad” workshop.

The concert will also feature the musical groups ROCKOKO and JALAPITA, the children’s choir and the theater of the School of Arts of the Free and Indifferent. The special guest of the event will be the well-known Lviv artist Ivanka Dymid, who will create drawings together with children from “Ivancha’s workshop” as part of the visual accompaniment of the program.


The project “Lullabies for Oleksa” is a comprehensive inclusive music therapy initiative that was started by Ukrainian singer Solomiya Chubai in 2016. The uniqueness of the project is that it is based on the real story and experience of the singer’s family, where a boy with autism was born. This is a project about children and for children, which draws attention to the problems of children with developmental disabilities and prefers to change the attitude towards their “otherness” in Ukrainian society. The primary mission of the project is to popularize a tolerant attitude towards people with ASD, the current mission of the project is the mental recovery of Ukrainian families from experiencing traumatic events as a result of the war in Ukraine.

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