Tonight, a 44-year-old Ukrainian man was heading to Poland through the Krakivets checkpoint in Lviv Oblast
In order to confirm the right to travel abroad under martial law, the man provided the border control inspector with a medical certificate and a temporary certificate of conscript on unfitness for military service and exclusion from military registration.
However, during the inspection, the border guards found that the documents had signs of forgery. Having been refused a pass through the state border, the evader tried to bribe the border guards. The border guard refused the offer of a bribe of 2,000 euros.
Based on this fact, the employees of the VVVB sent a notification about the commission of a criminal offense under Art. 369 of the Criminal Code “Offering or providing an unlawful benefit to an official”. The man will also be responsible for using forged documents when crossing the border under Art. 358 of the Criminal Code “Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps”.
The border guards handed over the bribe-giver to the National Police.