In order to prevent emergency situations involving children, employees of the Juvenile Prevention Department of the Lviv Oblast Police visit educational institutions and remind preschoolers and students of the algorithms for actions in crisis or dangerous situations.
In particular, police officers explain to children the Rules of the Road and the rules of safe behavior at home and at school. Law enforcement officers also remind parents: at the beginning of the school year, create a “Safe Road to School” map with your child, follow the route to school and home with it, pay attention to road signs, traffic lights, and pedestrian crossings.
In addition, police officers continue to raise awareness of children in the digital environment. In particular, they talk about cyberthreats that schoolchildren can expect on the Internet, remind the rules of communication with strangers in the online space and the basic principles of cyber security.
Law enforcement officers also urge parents: remind children of the algorithm of actions during the “Airborne alarm” signal. After hearing this signal, the child, regardless of where he is (at school, at home, on the street), should immediately go to the nearest shelter.
Simple actions save lives!
Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police