Repair work is carried out at the borders of the regional Program for the implementation of priority infrastructure projects
Zokrema, koshti were used for the repair of gurtozhitkіv:
- Sovereign vocational and technical initial pledge “Sokal professional lyceum” – 199.5 thousand UAH
- Chervonohrad State College of Economy and Economics – UAH 983.1 thousand
- Higher vocational school in Striya – UAH 1 million,
- Sovereign vocational and technical initial mortgage “Chervonensk Higher Vocational School” – 759.4 thousand UAH
- Stebnitsky professional lyceum – 773.7 thousand UAH
- Sovereign initial mortgage “Art vocational-technical school named after. J.P. Stanka” in smt. Ivano-Frankivsk – UAH 2.4 million.
- In total, for the implementation of the program, the Programs have spent 22.9 million hryvnias out of 167.5 million hryvnias transferred to the end of the year.
Let’s guess that the order of the regional government administration on July 26, 2022 No. 208 / 0 / 5-22VA was changed to the appointed Program and more funding for UAH 61.7 million for 12 new employees.