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12 large dryland fires were recorded this year in the Lviv community

Lviv City Hall appeals to city residents not to burn dry vegetation, as it is dangerous, harmful and illegal. Also, such actions can be equated to sabotage in wartime, which involves criminal liability. After all, ecology, infrastructure and public health can be seriously affected by peat and forest fires.

Thus, since the beginning of the year, 12 dry fires have been recorded in the Lviv community, the area of which was from 100 to 600 square meters. m. And also a fire related to the burning of household garbage in the village of Ryasne-Ruske, covered about 20 square meters. m.

When dry plant residues are burned, heavy metals, dioxins, and a wide variety of carcinogenic compounds enter the air, and then into human lungs, along with smoke. A lot of garbage is often burned with leaves, which significantly increases atmospheric pollution.

It is important that burning leaves does not contribute to increasing soil fertility. After all, the high temperature during burning destroys all the microflora that forms in the upper layer of the soil. Almost all animals living in dry grass or on the surface of the soil die from a strong grass fire: hares, hedgehogs, reptiles, amphibians.

“Every day, rescuers eliminate fires in open areas, which usually occur due to the “traditional” burning of dry grass and garbage. In connection with the full-scale war in Ukraine, such fires become an additional burden on the emergency services specialists. Instead of liquidating the consequences of war and saving people, emergency workers are forced to go out to extinguish fires caused by mindless burning of garbage and leaves. Therefore, we call on all citizens to contribute to the preservation of the environment and help protect our rescuers by not burning leaves and garbage in open areas,” the Department of Emergency Situations, Civil Protection and Territorial Defense of the Lviv City Council notes.

Residents of the city are once again asked not to burn dry vegetation, and also not to forget to call 102 when they see such fires and piles.

We would like to remind you that for arbitrarily burning dry grass, fallen leaves and other plant residues, which is prohibited in Ukraine, citizens face a fine ranging from UAH 3,060 to UAH 6,120, and officials – from UAH 15,300 to UAH 21,420. For the same actions committed on the territory of nature reserves, paliyas face a fine in the amount of 6,120 to 12,240 hryvnias. And in wartime, such actions are equated with sabotage, which entails criminal liability (imprisonment for a term of 10 to 15 years).

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