10 May 1931 was a historic day for Drohobych. For three centuries, attempts to lay a water supply system to the city had been unsuccessful. Drohobych suffered without quality water. The water in the city’s wells had a salty taste.
On this day, at 12.00 pm, the City Council held a solemn meeting to officially open the water supply system. Representatives of the ministry, the voivodeship, and a variety of cultural and educational institutions attended the celebration. In his speech, the then Vice Mayor Leon Tanenbaum recounted in detail the history of the construction of the water supply system. The vice mayor stressed that one of the most important issues was the financing of the project. For several years, the authorities had been working on a loan for the construction of the water supply system. The matter was resolved due to the fact that the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, which was to provide the loan, was headed by Dr Herman Horowitz, a resident of Drohobych, who made every effort to help Drohobych.
<“We understand that for at least 25 years the city has had to work hard and save money on various things just to pay off the debt for the construction of the water supply system. Nevertheless, we are convinced that the water supply system will serve not only the current residents of the city, but also future generations of Drohobych residents,” Leon Tanenbaum concluded.
After that, vehicles were sent from the central part of the city to take people to Urozh to see what the water intake looks like.
For reference: the first Urizh-Drohobych water supply system was designed to cover the water demand of the entire city for a period of 40 years. The total cost of the project reached PLN 4 million.
The length of the water supply system was 25 km. The water intake covered 5 jellies, similar to those in Krakow, 15 metres deep. The pipes that made up the water supply system were 80 to 300 mm in diameter. After waiting for a century, Drohobych finally received a round-the-clock water supply. From that day on, the history of the city’s water supply began. Today, 30% of Drohobych’s population consumes water from this water intake.