Since the beginning of autumn, the air temperature has dropped in Lviv and the region. In general, during the first week of September, it will be 19-23 degrees during the day, and from 5 degrees at night. However, weather forecasters are predicting a midsummer summer, which will be later.
This was reported by the forecaster of the Lviv Regional Hydrometeorological Center Olena Smalyukh.
Weather forecast in Lviv and the region for the first week of autumn:
On September 1, the wind is expected to be northeast, 7-12 m/s. The temperature during the day will be 17°-22°, at night 8°-13°.
September 2 cloudy with clearings. No significant precipitation. At night and in the morning light fog. The wind is easterly, 7-12 m/s, the temperature at night is 4-9 degrees. During the day, the temperature in Lviv region is 17-22 degrees, in Lviv it is 19-21 degrees.
Moderate rains are expected in places on September 3. Cloudy. East wind, 7-12 m/s. The temperature at night is 6° – 11°, during the day 13° – 18°.
On September 4, it is cloudy with clearing, without significant precipitation. The wind is southeast 5-10 m/s, the temperature at night 5°-10°, during the day 17-23 degrees.
September 5 and 6 in Lviv at night without significant precipitation. During the day, short-term rains, thunderstorms in places. South-eastern wind 5-10 m/s. The temperature at night is 5° – 10°, during the day 17° – 22°.
On September 7, short-term rains in places. The temperature at night is 9° – 13°, during the day 16 – 20 degrees.