As of this hour, 48 towns and villages in our region are without power supply due to the weather. 18 settlements are completely de-energized, 30 are partially de-energized.
This was reported by the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration Maksym Kozytskyi.
Most of the outages are in Yavoriv and Lviv districts.
Lvivoblenergo’s 16 crews consisting of 68 employees are working to restore power. 24 units of special equipment are involved.
If you see a broken power grid, immediately report it to Lvivoblenergo: 0-800-30-15-68 (round-the-clock, toll-free) or other call center numbers: 067-333-15-68, 050-460-15-68, 093-170-15-68, (032) 290-75-68.
Do not approach closer than 8 meters, as this may result in a fatal electric shock.
Walk away from the danger zone with a “goose step” – bring your feet together, keep them close to each other and the ground, and take small, sliding steps.
If trees or branches have fallen due to bad weather and there are injuries, call the emergency services: 101, 103 or 112.