To be reimbursed for the temporary accommodation of internally displaced persons who have moved during martial law and do not receive monthly targeted assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living expenses, including housing and communal services.
- Compensation is provided to natural persons – citizens of Ukraine over the age of 18 who are owners of residential premises of private housing (hereinafter – the owners of residential premises) and placed free of charge in these premises internally displaced persons to cover the costs incurred by the owners of residential premises. accommodation.
- Homeowners enter information on the premises of the private housing stock, available for free accommodation of internally displaced persons in the relevant administrative-territorial unit, in the web-resource “Shelter” https://prykhystok.gov.ua.
- The owner of the dwelling is obliged not later than the next day from the day of placement of internally displaced persons to submit an application to the executive committee of the village, settlement, city council at the location of the dwelling, indicating the surname, name and patronymic of each to which copies of identity documents are attached. The owner of the accommodation is also obliged to submit an application on the day of termination of the placement of internally displaced persons or change in their number with information about the change in the list of persons accommodated in the accommodation.
- To receive compensation, the owner of the dwelling shall submit an application in the form in accordance with Annex 1 to the executive committee of the village, settlement, city council at the location of the dwelling no later than five days from the end of the reporting month.
The amount of compensation is calculated taking into account the number of days during which the accommodation was provided for the accommodation of an internally displaced person (hereinafter – person-day), from the date of accommodation of internally displaced persons, but not earlier than the date of inclusion in the Unified Information Database. an internally displaced person in an appropriate living space.
The amount of compensation for each person-day is determined at the level of 14.77 hryvnias.
Compensation is provided by the state and local budgets (including the reserve fund of the budget), enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership and management, foreign states and international organizations in the form of charitable, humanitarian and material assistance, as well as voluntary donations of physical and legal persons, charitable organizations and public associations, other sources not prohibited by law exclusively in non-cash form according to the bank details specified in the application by the 20th day of the month from the end of the reporting month provided there is no debt of the owner for housing and communal services.
The grounds for refusing to pay compensation are the establishment of non-compliance of persons, the number of placed persons, the number of man-days with the data specified in the application.