According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 20, 2022 № 331 “On approval of the Procedure for providing the employer with compensation for labor costs for employment of internally displaced persons due to hostilities during martial law in Ukraine” employer in case of forced labor fixed-term or permanent employment agreement (contract), gig-contract, including part-time, is entitled to receive compensation in the amount of 6500 hryvnias for each such person. The total duration of compensation may not exceed two months from the date of employment. The program is valid during martial law and for 30 calendar days after its end.
“Entities claiming compensation must be registered as payers of the single contribution to the obligatory state social insurance, have submitted tax returns for the IV quarter of 2021 or annual reports for 2021,” said the director of the Lviv regional employment center Vasyl Barilyuk. “It should be borne in mind that the amount of salary set for an employee may not be lower than the minimum standards established by law.”
According to him, in order to receive compensation, the employer must send an application (form – at the link https://bit.ly/37Nlhtf) in electronic form via the “Action Portal” or visit the employment center no earlier than 5 days after the employment of the internally displaced person. .
If you apply through the employment center (branch) should also add: a copy of the employment order, a document confirming employment under the conditions provided for in the above Resolution, information about employees who are insured persons (form – link https: // bit .ly / 3NgIEeW), a copy of the certificate of registration of an internally displaced person.
“The initiative launched by the government will not only support business in difficult times of war, but will also help rebuild the economy and prevent rising unemployment,” Vasyl Baryliuk said.
According to the department of organizational and information work and archival affairs
Lviv Regional Employment Center