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In Chervonohrad, they will save on heating – due to exceeding the limits, the price of gas may increase significantly

Коротко про вівторкову нараду міського голови з керівниками державних служб та комунальних підприємств

Two problems are relevant today for the residents of Sosniv. This is the work of “Oschadbank”, which, according to the mayor Iryna Kharchuk, has not been fully normalized due to power outages, so the city’s residents do not have the opportunity to pay for utility services in a timely manner.

Another painful issue concerns the provision of water and electricity to citizens who belong to the second group. Quite often there are situations when there is water in the residences of residents of Sosniv, but there is no electricity, and vice versa. Commenting on this situation, Mayor Andriy Zalivskyi emphasized that in order to settle it, it will be necessary to contact Lvivoblenergo.

Last week, 303 patients were treated in the hospital of Chervonograd city hospital. 4,247 patients were admitted at the outpatient clinic, 90 appeals to the trauma center were registered, and one person injured as a result of an industrial injury and one person as a result of a criminal injury were hospitalized. The thermal regime in the hospital is observed.

As Anna Yarmola, director of the Center for Primary Health Care, reported, the number of appeals from parents with children of various ages regarding the incidence of SARS in children has increased significantly over the past week. Therefore, the question of the feasibility of introducing distance learning in educational institutions is relevant. By the way, starting from December 7 to 9 at the remote Ostrivskyi NVK, where more than 30% of morbidity among children was recorded. The preschool unit will work as usual.

In accordance with the gas limits determined by the Naftogaz Trading company, heat is supplied to Chervonograd at the price provided for the population and budget organizations. According to Stepan Dmukhovskyi, director of Chervonogradteplokomunenergo, if there was enough gas in November due to the fact that the heating season started later, then in December and the following months there will be a lack of gas for full heating of Chervonograd, Sosnivka and Hirnyk.

If the city exceeds the limits, the price of gas will increase significantly, which will be a burden both for the city budget and for residents. Therefore, in order not to exceed the limits, it is worth preparing that the temperature regime in the apartments may be somewhat lower.

The drop in temperature and frequent power outages forced many residents to look for alternative sources of heating their homes. This has already led to negative consequences. In some regions, cases of generators catching fire on balconies and explosions of gas equipment in houses were recorded. Cases of carbon monoxide poisoning have also increased. Therefore, the head of the department of emergency situations, defense and mobilization work of the executive committee of the Chervonograd city council, Ivan Vasko, appealed to the elders of the Chervonograd community with a request to intensify work among the population living in rural areas, regarding compliance with the rules of safe use of stove heating.

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