According to Lvavtodor, 65% of city public transport passengers pay for/register their trips with LeoCards – general, student, pupil, and discounted cards.
In total, as of now, residents have issued and purchased about 375 thousand LeoCards.
Every two out of three public transportation rides are paid for/validated with LeoCards. The majority of passengers, namely 65%, use transport cards. This figure has increased by one third since the introduction of the cashless fare payment stage,” Lvivavtodor said.
In particular, 266 thousand personalized LeoCards were issued to residents – preferential, pupil and student cards. For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to issue a personalized LeoCard, please see here.
At the same time, Lviv residents have purchased about 109 thousand general transport cards and use public transportation in Lviv at the lowest fare. This is the most popular and profitable non-cash payment method – only 13 UAH per trip, and for students – 6.5 UAH per trip,” Lvivavtodor emphasized.
As a reminder, you can buy a common transport card at Interpress branded kiosks and EasyPay terminals with dispensers. A map of sales outlets is available here.