On June 27-29, 2024, the 2nd Lviv Urban Forum: Taking Responsibiltiy will be held in Lviv. The main topic of the forum will be the issue of responsibility for the development and restoration of Ukrainian cities.
Speakers – Ukrainian and international architects and urban planners – will talk about how to create responsible architecture, implement new housing and urban planning policies, how to make cities safe, ecological and create decent living spaces in conditions of military aggression and limited budgets.
The organizers expect more than 1,200 participants, including more than 600 specialists from communities – mayors, chief architects, heads of relevant departments and all those involved in the creation and development of cities and communities.
In general, the program of the three-day event includes inspiring lectures, workshops for the professional community and specialists from local authorities, thematic walking and cycling tours, a program for children, and networking.
“Lviv Urban Forum-2024 is an adult conversation about the responsibility of mayors, architects, urban planners, developers and the community. And how to overcome the challenges of the present, take care of the past and create a worthy future for Ukrainian cities together – each in his own place. At the forum, we are planning even more thematic excursions, because this year new objects appeared in Lviv that we want to show the participants, and workshops not only for community specialists, but also for the entire community. And there are many other blocks that we will announce soon,” said the manager of Lviv Urban Forum Maria Zakalyuzhna.
Participation in the forum is free for representatives of local self-government bodies, as well as for military service specialists. You can apply for participation until May 1, 2024 using the link. Participants will be selected on a competitive basis.
Participation is free for architects, urban planners and students. The first 200 participants can register until February 1 at a reduced price via the link.
The event is organized by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Lviv City Council and the Cities4Cities | initiative United4Ukraine.