If you have lost or forgotten your belongings in one of the LK ATP-1 buses, the company asks you to contact them via a mobile phone number or via a Facebook page, as Mr. Volodymyr did, for example. Recently, a man forgot his shoulder bag on the bus, but promptly wrote to the company’s social network and returned it.
“None of us is immune to the possibility of losing something. If you understand that this item could have been left on the bus, contact us via any convenient method – write to us on our Facebook page or call the dispatcher (0676791567). You will be contacted promptly. It will be necessary to specify the route number, the approximate time when you got on this bus. It is ideal if you also know the bus number. Therefore, the dispatcher will call the driver of this route and ask him to see if your belongings are not on the bus, or maybe the passengers handed them over to him,” explained the LC of ATP No. 1.
According to the company, if the driver finds something in the bus, he leaves it in the control room of ATP-1. Most often, passengers in Lviv buses forget umbrellas, documents and shoulder bags.