According to the Department of External Relations and Promotion of Lviv, the Lviv Farmers’ Fair will be closed tomorrow. We wish all Lviv residents and guests of the city a peaceful and peaceful consecration of Easter and Easter celebrations. And in a week, on Saturday, April 30, everyone is invited to the fair, which will traditionally last from 10.00 to 16.00 on the square. Market.
photo: Roman BalukDownload photos
“In Lviv, Easter baskets are traditionally consecrated on Saturday. Therefore, our fair will not work tomorrow. Tomorrow, in the morning, Galician housewives decorate their Easter basket with periwinkle and bushpan, fill it with traditional Easter dishes, to bring home-baked ruddy Easter cakes with raisins, painted eggs, fried eggs, smoked sausage to the church for lunch. cheese and butter. We wish everyone a peaceful Easter. Let us celebrate and pray together for Ukraine’s victory over the enemy! And we invite you to our fair in a week, on Saturday, “the Department of External Relations and Promotion of the LMR said.
It will be recalled that the Lviv Farmers’ Fair was opened for the first time in July 2020. The fair will run every Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00. It will last until mid-autumn.
At the Lviv Farmers’ Fair, visitors will be able to buy natural cheeses, sausages, vegetables, berries and fruits, homemade wines, juices and pastries.