All the residents of Sokolia village joined in raising funds for the soldiers from the town who are bravely defending their homeland today. This time, UAH 41,000 was raised.
In particular, the villagers donated UAH 22100 raised at a Christmas carol singing; UAH 15000 from the parish of the local church of St Michael the Archangel; and UAH 3900 donated by students of the local Sokolya school. These are not the first donations from this patriotic community of the village, which supports our defenders both financially and morally.
Part of the funds was transferred to a fellow countryman, the commander of the drone control unit. 10,000 UAH – to repair a car for our soldier of the 125th Brigade, so that he could perform all combat missions more quickly. For UAH 20,000, we bought a powerful charging station for a soldier who is now on the frontline in Donetsk region. On their own initiative, the young people of the village raised UAH 15,000 to repair a car and handed it over to their fellow countryman from Malnov, who has been defending Ukraine since 2014.
According to Zenovia Tsvihula, the school principal and deputy of the Mosty City Council, “The Sokolianske community is constantly in touch with volunteers and fellow defenders and supports them. I am sincerely grateful to my fellow villagers, the youth of the village, and cultural workers for such unity and the ability to organise donations for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.