In the spring, flower tours are especially popular among tourists. Meadows covered with primroses are pleasing to the eye, and such places are also a great photo area.
The Department of Tourism and Resorts of Lviv Oblast offers to climb the slopes of the mountains to see how the sprouts of flowers make their way through the snow-covered meadows.
So, the workers of the national nature park “Skolivski Beskydy” suggest that crocuses bloom on the territory of the Krushelnytskyi forestry estate. And there is also an evergreen trident, planted from a pea cypress tree and entered in the Book of the Register of Records of Ukraine.
NPP “Northern Podillia” invites you to admire the valley of snowdrops.
“On the territory you can also find blue-eyed snowdrops, dream grass wrapped in a silver web, pale pink and white tassels of ragweed, dark blue, white, blue-eyed violets, burning hollyhocks, porcelain cups of lilies of the valley,” the park notes.
Crocuses bloom profusely in the spring in the “Black Forest” tract in Chervonohrad Oblast. This plant is considered a symbol of happiness, and is also called the flower of the Moon. Saffron blooms from March to mid-April.
At the same time, employees of nature parks remind that it is impossible to pluck primroses.
“We need to realize the inadmissibility of destroying the first spring flowers. After all, picking primroses is very harmful to nature, because it does not allow plants to form seeds. It will not be superfluous to remind that for uprooted plants that were located within the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, entered in the Red Book of Ukraine, according to the current legislation, a fine from 1,700 to 3,655 UAH is provided with the confiscation of plant life objects. Also, for each uprooted plant, appropriate compensation for its destruction is provided,” emphasized the Skolivski Beskydy NPP.