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Residents and drivers of the region are asked to stay at home: there is ice on the roads and blocks of wet snow may fall from roofs and trees

Due to the sticking of wet snow, wet blocks of snow can fall from roofs and trees. Also, as of now, the fall of 18 trees has been recorded.

The City Hall of Lviv urges all citizens to be very careful and not to walk close to houses and trees, as well as a request to drivers of private transport, if possible, to avoid trips, because there is ice on the roads.

“Weather conditions are now very dangerous – snow is falling and it is turning into ice. Therefore, heavy blocks of wet ice can fall from roofs and trees. Also due to icing we have falling trees and large branches.

As of now, we have 18 trees down. Information is constantly changing.

Yes, on the street Panas Myrny, 22a, a tree fell and blocked the road. Communal services of the Sykhiv RA now work there.

On the street A tree also fell on the road in Vinnytsia, and it is now being crushed.

There is also a fallen tree on the road in Vinnyky.

Communal services work intensively to provide passage for cars,” said Iryna Marunyak, deputy mayor of Lviv for housing and communal services.

For reference

In order to protect yourself from falling snow and icicles from roofs, citizens are advised to follow the basic safety rules:

– when passing by houses or tall trees, it is necessary to make sure that there is no threat of falling accumulations of snow or ice accretions;

– do not walk under the roof of buildings and other structures, as well as under balconies, choosing the safest route of movement through the streets of the city;

– do not go beyond the established fences, and in places where they are absent – pay attention to the presence of dangerous formations of ice and snow on the roofs of buildings and bypass them;

– motor vehicle owners should not park their cars near houses;

– be sure to warn children about the danger of falling snow and icicles.

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