On Friday, January 5, the weather in Lviv Oblast will be determined by the passage of atmospheric fronts from the west.
As the Lviv hydrometeorological center informs tomorrow in the Lviv region
Cloudy with clearings. Moderate at night, light rain and sleet during the day. There is ice on the roads at night and in the morning. The wind is northwest, 9-14 m/s, gusts of 15-20 m/s at night and in the morning. The temperature at night is from 2° of frost to 3° of heat, during the day it is 1 to 6° of heat.
In the city of Lviv: The temperature at night is from 1° of frost to 1° of heat, during the day it is 2 to 4° of heat.
Forecasters warn of deterioration of visibility during precipitation.