The feat of seven more fallen defenders of Ukraine was honoured on the Memory Alley in Drohobych
For more than a decade, we have been confronting the Russian occupiers and defending Ukraine’s freedom. For three years now, this struggle has been going on in the format of a full-scale war. Ukraine’s brave defenders are defending their country – thanks to them, we can wake up under a clear Ukrainian sky, continue to study, live and create the future.
All of this is possible thanks to the heroic deeds of our Heroes, who sacrifice the most precious thing they have – their lives.
This year, on the first day of March, a mournful place was opened in Drohobych – the Alley of Memory, which honours the feat of the latest Heroes who fell defending Ukraine from the enemy.
The strong and majestic 42-metre-high Arch symbolises the invincibility of every soldier who did not surrender, did not give up, but defended his native land until his last breath. It is decorated with embroidered ornaments and white birds, which symbolise the pure souls of Ukrainian soldiers. The Arch features photographs of fallen heroes from the Drohobych community and the symbols of their military units.
Unfortunately, the war continues. It continues to claim the lives of Ukrainian defenders. So our task is to continue their fight and honour the memory of each of them.
Today, on 12 July, the arch of the Alley of Memory was supplemented with seven portraits of the newest Heroes: Andrii Dvozhan, Oleh Stryiskyi, Yurii Gordynskyi, Oleh Hilzhynskyi, Dmytro Melnikov, Viktor Lavrenchuk and Vasyl Stets.
Accompanied by clergymen, with the participation of the community and district leadership, relatives and friends of the fallen soldiers, a short memorial service and a rite of consecration of the installed portraits were held here.
These guys bravely stood in defence of their native land. They died for their country, for you and me. Now they are in a place of eternal rest, a place of light and prosperity. They are praying for you and me,” , said Father Dean Ivan Pankiv.
After the memorial service, the portraits were blessed, and the relatives of the victims, together with the community leadership and concerned residents, prayed together and lit lamps near the portraits of the fallen defenders as a symbol of faith and eternal memory of our Heroes.
The host of the event, Liana Voyat, gave a short biographical note about each fallen Hero. More detailed information about the fallen defenders – natives of the Drohobych community – is available on the Electronic Pantheon of Heroes.
Eternal memory to the Heroes of Ukraine!