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The sale and use of pyrotechnics is prohibited on the territory of the Chervonograd City Council.

The Chervonograd city council made a decision:

Prohibit the use of pyrotechnic products (firecrackers, fireworks, salutes, etc.) by economic entities that carry out their activities in the field of restaurants, public catering, entertainment facilities, social-cultural, household, commercial and other purposes, as well as other legal entities and individuals within the Chervonograd City Council.
Prohibit the sale of pyrotechnic products on the territory of the city without an appropriate license for activities related to the production and trade of pyrotechnic products.
To recommend business entities to carry out preventive work with visitors to prevent them from using pyrotechnic products near the above-mentioned objects, during recreation, holding entertainment, solemn and festive events.
The administrations of KP Chervonogradsky Rynok, LLC “Forsazh”, PP “Maidan”, KP “Rynok Levada” must ensure the strict implementation of Clause 7.9 of the Temporary Rules for the circulation of household pyrotechnic products in Ukraine and prevent the sale of household pyrotechnic products on the markets.
The Chervonograd Police Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Lviv Region, the City Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Lviv Region, the Chervonograd Police Department of the State Security Service of Ukraine in the Lviv Region, to ensure constant control and prevent the sale of pyrotechnic products on the markets, through the objects of the retail network (kiosks, tents, trays, etc.) and in places not established for trade on the territory of the cities of Chervonograd, Sosnivka, Hirnyk.

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