Today, the First Lady of the Republic of Poland Agata Korhauser-Duda visited Lviv Lyceum No. 24 named after M. Konopnytska. There she talked with teachers and the youngest students. Andriy Zakaliuk, Lviv’s chief educator, met the Polish First Lady.
The wife of the Polish president also took part in an integrated class for students of the first grades of Lyceum No. 24 and Lyceum No. 10. The joint session inspired those present to new possibilities of cooperation for the benefit of the future of Lviv children. Backpacks with school supplies and cute teddy bears from the First Lady were a pleasant surprise for first-graders.
Also at the meeting, representatives of the teaching staff of Polish-language schools in the Lviv region discussed with Agata Korhauser-Duda the issue of modernization and improvement of the educational process within the framework of the reform of the National Academy of Sciences, the organization of the educational process in the conditions of martial law, and comprehensive assistance that Ukraine received from the Republic of Poland.