On August 5, 2023, in the Polish city of Kolbushów, the three cities of Stary Sambir (Ukraine), Kolbushów (Poland) and Ploermel (France) signed an intention to cooperate.
The meeting was preceded by the long-term cooperation of the Staro Sambir community with Polish partners from the city of Kolbushov. An important achievement of which is the development of a joint project in the field of environmental protection, work on which is currently ongoing.
With the assistance of the authorities of the city of Kolbushov, it was possible to establish friendly relations with the French city of Ploermel.
The signing of the intention to cooperate between the three European cities will have a positive development and will be beneficial for all participants. We hope that within the framework of cooperation we will be able to implement many educational events and projects.
In the photo: signing of documents by partners in the Polish city of Kolbushów, representatives of the authorities of Kolbushów (Poland), Ploermel (France) and Stary Sambir (Ukraine).