On May 6, at 8:47 a.m., a man called the rescuers that while walking in the forest area near the village of He got lost in Dubina Stryisky district.
As it turned out, a 43-year-old man from Lviv turned out to be lost. During the whole time there was a telephone connection with the husband.
The rescuers of the Slav search and rescue group went in search, and at 12:10 they found a lost person near the Stryi river near the village. Pobuk
The man did not feel well, so the rescuers handed him over to emergency medical workers. After the examination, the man was taken to the Skolivska Central District Hospital.
6 rescuers and 2 units of special equipment were involved in the search operation.
Take care of your safety and in the event of an emergency, immediately call the Rescue Service on 101!