Forecasters warn of extreme fire danger for 23-26 May
The Lviv Regional Centre for Hydrometeorology reported that the city of Lviv and the region will remain under an emergency (class 5) fire hazard from 23 to 26 May.
We urge you to follow fire safety rules.
As a reminder, unauthorised burning of dry vegetation, which is prohibited in Ukraine, is punishable by a fine of UAH 3,060 to 6,120, and for officials – UAH 15,300 to 21,420. For the same actions committed on the territory of nature reserves, arsonists face a fine of UAH 6,120 to 12,240. And in wartime, such actions are equated with sabotage, which entails criminal liability (imprisonment for 10 to 15 years).
On 24 May, there will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon, a squall of 15-20 m/s, hail.
We remind you of the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm:
– close windows and doors at home; unplug all electrical appliances – they attract lightning, including the phone – there is a risk of lightning striking while you are talking.
– when outdoors, do not hide under trees, as they attract lightning; there is also a danger of heavy branches falling, which can break in wind gusts and cause damage; avoid metal fences, billboards, power poles and, in any case, do not open an umbrella if you have one with you – metal rods attract discharges.
In case of any unforeseen situations, please report to the city’s hotline at 15-80.
Lviv City Council: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/news/society/emergency/301769-na-zavtra-sinoptiki-prognozuyut-grozu-shkval-ta-grad