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In Lviv, there will be a cycling race of Heroes: on Sunday, part of the avenue will be closed. Chornovola, public transport will operate with changes

In connection with the holding of sports competitions for people with disabilities, on Sunday, April 30, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Lviv, a small part of Ave. Chornovola – from building No. 5 to St. Pod Dubom, 7-B (the square in front of the “Forum Lviv” shopping center). Therefore, at the specified time, public transport will run on changed routes.

According to the information of the transport department of the Lviv City Council, buses No. 7, 17, 25, 31, 34, 41, 51 in the direction of St. Horodotska will run as follows: ave. Chornovola – str. Kulisha – st. Danylyshyn – and further along the route.

Also in the direction of St. Horodotska buses No. 1A, 9, 20, 37, 39, 46, 47A, 52, 53, 61 will run as follows: ave. Chornovola – sq. 700th anniversary of Lviv – str. Zamarstinivska – st. B. Khmelnytskyi – and further along the route.

In the return direction, public transport will run along the street. B. Khmelnytskyi – str. Zamarstinivska – square. 700th anniversary of Lviv – ave. Chornovola

During the event, trolleybus route No. 33 will run to the intersection of St. Lypinsky – ave. V. Chornovola (roundabout).

Bus routes No. 8, 8A and 22 will run to St. Under the Oak.

Residents are asked to apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

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