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An exhibition of art objects created from armored plates will open in Lviv

On December 27, the ArtArmor art project exhibition will be opened in the Museum-Arsenal of the Lviv Historical Museum. Armor plates get a second life in the form of art objects, and their implementation allows volunteers to direct the collected funds to the needs of the army.

Anyone interested will be able to get acquainted with the art objects from December 28 to January 17 in the Museum-Arsenal of the Lviv Historical Museum (5 Pidvalna St.).

The armed forces of Ukraine were given “used” armor plates that had already successfully fulfilled their mission in battle – they stopped enemy bullets and shrapnel. Famous Ukrainian artists Ivan Marchuk, Tiberiy Silvashi, Nazar Bilyk, Petro Bevza, Andrii Bludov, Yurii Vakulenko, Oleksii Sai, Svitlana Ratoshnyuk, Anton Logov, Leonid Kolodnytskyi, icon painter Andriy Okhotskyi turned these armor plates into art objects with exclusive stories. As of today, 12 unique art objects have been created. One of them is the icon “Michael the Archangel”, which was created with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphany of Kyiv and All Ukraine.

“The eerie bullet marks that these slabs stopped tell this story better than any words. In the same way, art can tell stories and evoke emotions without words. Therefore, we combined armor and art so that everyone in the world could understand and feel the importance of the life of every Ukrainian. And then they will become a tool for collecting modern means of protection for Ukrainian heroes,” says Oleksandr Kovalchuk, initiator and head of the ArtBronya project, co-founder of the UKRAINE FOR HEROES Charitable Foundation.

The project is supported by: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Armed Forces of Ukraine, State Security Administration of Ukraine, Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine, State Border Service of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, State Emergency Service of Ukraine , the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Project partners: Charitable organization “UKRAINE FOR HEROES Charitable Fund”, GB Event by Kvartal 95, Nova Poshta LLC, National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, Lviv Historical Museum, creative agency McCann (Kyiv).

More about the project – at the link: https://artarmor.org/

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