As the head of the office of the Lviv community in Vinnyky Bohdan Shuster reported, the legal documents for the creation of another public square in the community are currently being drawn up between TsNAP, the Vinnytsia branch of the rehabilitation center “Zherelo” and the center “Oselya”.
The borders of the square have already been formed. In the future, they plan to make a public space here.
Meanwhile, the square is gradually being improved. At the weekend, the first trees were planted here – maples and hornbeams. Candles were lit near them and prayers were said.
“After the first trees were planted in the park, the office was approached by relatives of fallen heroes who also want to join such an initiative. Therefore, in the future, trees will be planted in the square in honor of all the fallen Heroes of our city, and there are also plans to install benches,” said Bohdan Shuster.
The trees in the park were planted as part of the “I want to plant a tree” campaign organized by the Department of Ecology of the LMR. This year, for the first time, communities of Lviv MTG joined the campaign.