On March 30, at 5:35 p.m., the Rescue Service “101” received a report that in the city of Vinnyky, on the street I. Gonta, 4, Lviv district, in the attic of a one-story residential building, containers with mercury and spilled mercury were discovered during the dismantling of the wooden floor.
The operative group of the 1st state fire-rescue unit and the department of radiation-chemical and biological protection of the emergency-rescue unit of the special-purpose emergency-rescue unit of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Lviv region went to the scene of the call.
During the inspection, mercury was found in closed containers and spilled mercury. The rescuers collected mercury mechanically in the amount of 2500 g and carried out demercurization work.
The total amount of mercury is 12,500 grams.
The collected mercury was handed over to the Department of Emergency Situations and Civil Protection of the Lviv City Council for storage and further disposal.