In Skomorokh – renewal. The bus stop building was decorated in a new way thanks to the donor, local farmer Vasyl Shamborovsky and his “team”.
Oleg and Maria Fedyna put in the work and effort, Nadiya Prachun and the young artists are graduates of the Sokal Art School named after Viktor Matyuk, Tetyana Martyniuk and Kateryna Tsybulska made an artistic design. From now on, the bus “hut” is pleasing to the eye of all the residents of the village. Through the efforts of activists, historians developed the coat of arms of the village of Skomorokhy, which depicts the waves of the Bug, a bridge with locks and a musical instrument, because the village was founded by “skomorokhy” – cheerful, respectable, singing people.
Near the bus stop is a well-kept figure of the Mother of God. It is nice that the people of Skomorokhiv care about their village and its improvement.