On Wednesday, 3 July, due to scheduled repair works on the Hirne-Drohobych water main, water supply from the Hirne water intake will be suspended from 05:00 to 24:00 on the following streets of Drohobych: Sportyvna, Truskavetska, Viytivska Hora, Boryslavska, Horishnya Brama, M. Hrushevskoho, Stryiska, Vol. Velykyi, Budivelna, Naftovykiv, Mlynky neighbourhood, Rynok Square and adjacent streets and lanes.
Attention: there will be water on E. Konovalets Street. The company has the technological capability to provide this neighbourhood with water due to the presence of tanks there.
There will also be no water supply in Stebnyk, the villages of Modrychi, Ranevychi, Mykhaylevychi, Pochayevychi, Dobrohostiv, Ulychne in Drohobych district and Dovholuka, Hirne, Liubyntsi in Stryi district.