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The Ukrainian language teacher who had a conflict with a student continues to work at the school

«Ми завжди будемо підтримувати як українську мову, так і інтеграцію дітей в нове середовище», - А.Закалюк (відео)

The head of the education department of the LMR Andriy Zakaliuk commented on the information spread on social networks about the dismissal of a Ukrainian language teacher from one of the schools in Lviv. He said that the teacher was not fired, she continues to teach.

This was reported in the LMR.

The student also continues his studies at the Lviv school. And the story described in social networks is not related to the study or use of the Ukrainian language, and it happened back in September. At the same time, the conflict was exhausted.

“In September, a mother who moved with her son from Kharkiv contacted us. The father stayed in Kharkiv and is now fighting in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the Ukrainian language class, the teacher asked the student to pass a test, but he delayed passing it. The teacher asked to pass faster. And she did not hold back her emotions, she began to tell him that “it is your fault that the war started” and that “you came here”.

We convened a commission to look into this situation. They invited a psychologist from another school. She talked to all the students in the class who witnessed the story. All the children confirmed that the teacher expressed herself in this way. It should be noted that this student did not speak Russian. And his mother also speaks Ukrainian,” Andriy Zakaliuk said.

The official emphasized that the Ukrainian language teacher continues to work at this school. But she does not teach in the class where this student studies.

Andriy Zakaliuk warns: before spreading posts on the network, you should understand the situation well. And he emphasizes that the city’s position remains unchanged: “We have always supported and will continue to support both the Ukrainian language and the integration of children into a new environment.”

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