Easter in Drohobych is associated from year to year with the ornately decorated Rynok square, which these days is drowning in festive paraphernalia: Easter eggs, eggs and baskets.
They did not betray the tradition this year either. On the eve of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, on the initiative of the Department of Family and Youth, as well as together with the Department of Culture and Tourism Development, as well as creative schools of the city, the central square of Drohobych was decorated for Easter with bright Easter eggs.
The tradition of decorating the main square of the city of Kotermak with Easter paraphernalia was started a few years ago at the initiative of the Department of Family and Youth of the DMR.
According to the head of the department Oleksandra Pashko, talented children, youth and teachers of art schools and colleges in Drohobych once joined in decorating and coloring Easter decorative eggs. In this way, the department gathered a considerable Easter collection of several dozen unique products. From year to year, they are put on public display and admiration.
Our Easter eggs have become a peculiar Easter symbol of Drohobych. For several years in a row, we exhibit them and thereby create a festive mood in the city. Residents of Drohobych, as well as tourists and IDPs, sincerely loved Easter eggs and took numerous photos near them. Thus, without exaggeration, Drohobytsky Easter eggs fly around the whole of Ukraine during the holidays, Oleksandra Pashko emphasizes.
Traditionally, the Department of Culture and Tourism Development joined the thematic decoration of the center of Drohobych together with the art school, the Drohobych Children’s Music School No. 1 and employees of the People’s House. With such a creative tandem, today the trees on Rynok Square were decorated with bright symbols of Easter – wooden Easter eggs. They were once painted by talented art school students.
This year, a fresh idea in the decoration of the main square of the city is the “Easter carpet”, which was created from a number of student drawings depicting Easter eggs. Such an idea was implemented by the Department of Family and Youth, which called on the educational institutions of the city to join the good initiative.
All those who carefully and lovingly created the festive decorations of the city note that the beauty of each product is unique, so it is worth contemplating it from a short distance. And the most important thing is to explain to the children that these are not toys, but decorations that add a special festive aura to Drohobych.