The first meeting of the advisory council on protection of the rights of internally displaced persons living in the territory of the Chervonograd city territorial community was held.
Since the war, Chervonograd community of all Lviv region communities (with the exception of Lviv) has received the largest number of internally displaced persons. Many immigrants have been living on our territory since 2014.
Work on the creation of the council began last year as part of the “Union for Action” program, which is implemented by the “STABILIZATION SUPPORT SERVICES” Charitable Foundation with the support of the US State Department.
The Mayor’s Advisory Council will operate and consolidate the efforts of the public and local authorities to resolve problematic issues and integrate internally displaced persons.
The task of the first meeting was to develop an operational work plan until the end of 2023. Also, the participants of the meeting determined the priority directions of their activities, tried to fill them with meaningful measures and proposals in order to submit them to the consideration of the city mayor. In particular, this is work with children, people who need outside supervision, cultural events, environmental issues, as well as humanitarian, integration and housing issues.
As noted by the regional coordinator of the fund, Oksana Yakovets, the council will direct its efforts not only to control the implementation of planned events, but first of all to find resources and attract active people so that these events take place and have a meaningful integration character.
In the future, it is planned to create a telegram channel that will inform the public about the work carried out in our community for internally displaced persons, will discuss problematic issues and decisions that will be made, where everyone can express their comments and suggestions and get answers to current questions.