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Touristic Drohobych: The Department of Tourism and Resorts of Lviv Oblast shot promotional material about the charms of the city of Kotermak

Most recently, the Department of Tourism and Resorts of Lviv Oblast filmed a promotional video in Drohobych about the city’s tourist potential, its architectural monuments, charms, ancient villas and interesting gastronomic features.

Drohobych became the 9th city in which the project on the tourism potential of Lviv Oblast was implemented. Prior to this, similar promo videos were already filmed for Chervonograd, Truskavets, Yavoriv region, Skoliv region, Busk, Sambir region, Zhovkva, etc. The goal of the project is to demonstrate the tourist magnets of Lviv Oblast, to reveal to potential guests attractive places and historical buildings of the region, as well as to invite tourists to visit Lviv Oblast.

As the head of the Drohobych Tourist Information Center, Iryna Markiv, noted, Drohobych has long ceased to be associated only with delicious sausage, Drohobych is a city with the taste of salt and the smell of cinnamon. The city of Ivan Franko’s youth and the creativity of Bruno Schultz. Here, exquisite sacred architecture intertwines with colorful villas. Century-old churches, wooden temples, which are included in the UNESCO heritage, and one of the largest synagogues in Eastern Galicia.

Drohobych is an extraordinary city that will gladly welcome every tourist. In the promotional material of the Department of Tourism and Resorts of Lviv Oblast, the journalists started their journey from the Drohobych Tourist Information Center and climbing the town hall tower. We talked about our unique sacred buildings – the church of St. George, a synagogue and a church. We tasted incredible gastro chips from “Refinery”, “Your Burger” and gastro-cafe “Watermelon”. We also walked through the streets, talked about luxurious villas, some of them have sections of our Drohobychchyna Museum, and visited the Drohobych Saltworks – the oldest enterprise in Europe. Of course, if you are planning a trip to us, you can also visit the Johan Zeg Pharmacy-Museum in Boryslav, where you will also find a lot of interesting things, Iryna Markiv said.

Lviv region is multifaceted, so it’s time to discover it in a new way. And every city of the region has something to show, something to surprise and interest the tourist.

The project is ongoing, so it will be possible to get acquainted with the new tourist attractions of the Lviv Region.


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