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Where to contact Lviv Oblast businesses to book employees

For the attention of enterprises, institutions and organisations in Lviv region: where to apply for advice on determining your enterprise as a critical one.

This was reported by the Lviv Regional State Administration.

The head of the Lviv region, Maksym Kozytskyi, recalls the stages of identifying enterprises, institutions and organisations that are critical.

  1. If you believe that you have a strategic and important importance for the NATIONAL economy, you should apply to the relevant Ministry on your own – the Ministry checks for compliance / non-compliance with the criteria – and provides an official positive / negative response.
  2. If you believe that you are a critical enterprise for meeting the needs of the community, you should contact the Lviv Regional State Administration (kancel@loda.gov.ua) – the administration will check your company for compliance with the criteria – and give an official response.

Therefore, if you fall under the paragraph 2️⃣, please contact the structural units of the regional state administration, according to the scope of your company’s activities, for advice.

For example:

  • If you are an agricultural enterprise, the Department of Agricultural Development of the Lviv Regional State Administration will provide professional advice;
  • If your company operates in the fuel and energy sector, please call the Department of Fuel and Energy Complex, Energy Efficiency and Housing and Communal Services of the Lviv Regional State Administration for advice.

Here are the contacts of the departments and offices👇
▪️ Department of Fuel and Energy Complex, Energy Efficiency and Housing and Communal Services of Lviv Regional State Administration, 276-17-94
▪️ Department of Health of Lviv Regional State Administration, 276-45-92
▪️ Department of Education and Science of Lviv Regional State Administration, 261-63-54
▪️ Department of Agricultural Development of Lviv Regional State Administration, 255-50-62
▪️ Department of Economic Policy of Lviv Regional State Administration, 2999-251
▪️ Department of Social Protection of the Population of Lviv Regional State Administration, 255-37-70
▪️ Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of Lviv Regional State Administration, 261-25-93
▪️ Department of Roads of Lviv Regional State Administration, 2999-141
▪️ Department of Architecture and Urban Development of Lviv Regional State Administration, 261-49-81
▪️ Department of Communications and Internal Policy of Lviv Regional State Administration, 261-28-52
▪️ Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Lviv Regional State Administration, 238-73-83
▪️ Department of Youth and Sports of Lviv Regional State Administration, 238-48-81
▪️ Department of Tourism and Resorts of Lviv Regional State Administration, 261-39-19

❗️❗️Вичерпну information on granting the status of a critical enterprise (criteria for determining) can be found on the website of the Lviv Regional State Administration in the section “NEW reservation of employees liable for military service”, by calling: https://loda.gov.ua/services/text/57336

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